This weatherboard and galvanised iron cottage was built between 1908-1915. The Wallarah Coal-mining Company built the cottage to house its mineworkers.
Jock and Hester Symes first tenanted this house. They had three children. Alison and twins Moira and Verley. Verley married Colin Handcock from Handcock’s shop. When Jock died, Hester moved to No 32 Flowers Drive. Hester was Errol Mascord’s aunt and when Ev and Errol Mascord married after the Second World War they moved into this house. They had four children Karen, born on the 1st August 1946, Bruce, Graham and Lynette.
In 1964 the Coal Company ‘Coal & Allied’ subdivided some of its land. The Company determined that this house and land be purchased for 400 pounds by Mr E Mascord.
The McDougall clan used to gather here every year, enjoy a roast dinner and play cricket until the children grew up and the numbers became too great.
After Errol died in 2000 Ev lived in the house until her death in 2003.
Errol had worked as an Electrician in the mine and Ev and Errol had modernised the house putting in aluminium windows, recladding the exterior and revamping the interior over the years.
The house was owned by Karen Gardiner who lived in Sydney but came regularly to the Bay with her daughter Mirabelle. A deck was added to the side of the house.
The house was sold.