No 7 Lindsley St

This weatherboard house was built around1889 by the Wallarah Coal-mining Company to house its mineworkers.

Mr and Mrs Boekenstein lived here with their three daughters. Alice the oldest girl had not been born at the Bay but her two sisters Flo and Gladys were. Alice worked at Gillons so that her sister Flo could go to Armidale Teachers’ College. Flo married a local boy John Bridge (known as Jack Woodbury). Mrs Boekenstein lived in this house until she died. Vera Alwell, Mrs Micallef, and Mrs Boekenstein, all good friends, died within six weeks of each other. Alice the eldest daughter married Perc Allen and they lived in the original Catherine Hill Bay Post Office building.

George Outram was the next tenant followed by Jack Henderson ‘fisho’, wife Lil and family.

Tom McKenzie and his family then moved into the house.

In 1964 the Coal Company ‘Coal & Allied’ subdivided some of its land. The Company determined that this house and land would be sold for 320 pounds to Mr W T McKenzie. The front of the block measures over 48 feet while at the rear it is over 59 feet. The length of the land is 162 feet and 3 inches.

Following the death of her husband Mrs Margaret McKenzie lived in the house until 2011 when she went into a Nursing Home. She died in 2012 and the house has been sold.

Joe Macallef house now demolished.